Every region has their own distinct traditions around the holidays. Leaving cookies for Santa Claus, lighting candles, incense around sacred spots. However, none may be as bizarre as the Catalan tradition of Caga Tio.
The tradition for kids begins after El Dia de Inmaculada and or Dec 8th and leads up until Christmas Eve or Day. A long wooden log is brought into the house that is painted and decorated to look like an animal of sorts. The myth goes that the animal dwells all year in the woods until Dec. 8th when he moseys onto your doorstep. The children bring him inside and nourish him for the ensuing weeks. Orange peels, old bones and cookies are placed near his bed until the big day.
The tradition for kids begins after El Dia de Inmaculada and or Dec 8th and leads up until Christmas Eve or Day. A long wooden log is brought into the house that is painted and decorated to look like an animal of sorts. The myth goes that the animal dwells all year in the woods until Dec. 8th when he moseys onto your doorstep. The children bring him inside and nourish him for the ensuing weeks. Orange peels, old bones and cookies are placed near his bed until the big day.
Finally, with great excitement, a sheet is place over the animal and the children proceed to beat the log with a stick and sing Caga Tio songs. The idea is to entice the animal to ´excrete´ sweets from his backside. The kids are asked to leave the room and candies are placed under the sheet. The children reenter and to their astonishment the Caga Tio has produce delightful offerings! The process can continue until the kids are stuffed or the log is no more…
If you happen to visit Catalunya or Barcelona during the season, be sure to visit any Xmas markets or any home and you will surely spot a Caga Tio waiting for his big moment!